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让我们展开双臂迎接2024-2025新学年的到来。 华大中文学校2024-2025学年的教学工作将在洛威尔高中开展。 开学日定于 9/8/2024 目前大部分的班级仍有学位,欢迎还未注册的学生前来报名! 祝学生们有一个崭新的一年!

Let's welcome the 2024-2025 school year. Huada Chinese Academy in 2024-2025 school year will only use Lowell high school campus. School’s first day will be 9/8/2024 (Sunday). Currently, a majority of our classes are not full yet; we welcome those who still have not enrolled to come enroll! We wish students a fantastic new year!