家长们如今再也不须寻寻觅觅了。 华大中文学校,对希望让孩子们学习汉语拼音、简体字和中华文化的家长,是一个最好的选择。 华大中文学校是三藩市湾区唯一使用全面网络电子管理的中文学校,学生的考勤,成绩管理和学籍管理全部是电子化管理的。华大也是全湾区唯一发布微信公众号进行学校家长联络的中文学校。华大中文学校配有最专业的教师队伍:来自三藩市校区著名公立学校的经验教师,来自中国大陆的特级教师和著名重点小学的老教师齐集华大, 为学生提供一站式的,全方位的, 包括中国语文和中华文化的高品质教育. 现在, 家长只要付出每周三十多元的学费, 就可以让孩子们在华大得到这些超一流水准的老师的教导了! 同时, 华大位于优美的三藩市明星高中----洛威尔高中的校园, 务必让学生们在最安全和正规的校园环境中接受最好的教育!华大中文学校的小学和初中毕业证书,可以符合加州双语金印的标准,符合双语金印要求的学生,可以获得加州大学的外语学分,也可以得到加州一百多个企业公司对于双语人才的认定。除此之外,华大还开设从初级到高级的中文班,提供给年龄比较大,没有中文基础的学生,或只有有限中文基础的学生修读。同时,华大中文学校也开设中文大学预科AP课程, 以及专门为中文沉浸课程的学生设立的中国语文课程,以适应最广泛的学生学中文的需求. |
华大中文学校开设有从学前班到高中的中文课本, 使用中国曁南大学的中文课本系列以及三藩市联合校区使用的美洲华语课本系列。在才艺方面, 华大开设有美术班,全部由资深的专业老师任教。正如一位华大毕业生在《星岛日报》发表的文章所说:就读华大中文学校,是成功人士的象征。能够进入华大就读,就已经赢在起点,成为人生赢家了。各位家长,还迟疑什么呢?赶快为孩子报名,锁住名校学位! |
As China's membership in the World Trade Organization sparked rapid economic development, college-credited Chinese courses are becoming prevalent across American high schools and the Advanced Placement in Chinese Language and Culture (AP Chinese) exam has been established for the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Program. These events have brought simplified characters, Han Yu Pin Yin, and mandarin under the attention of overseas Chinese. For a long period of time, Chinese schools across the United States have used Cantonese, traditional characters, and Zhu Yin phonetics to teach. Presently, the advent of the AP Chinese exam and classes will instigate a great change! High schools in the San Francisco Unified School District have already implemented simplified characters and Han Yu Pin Yin in their Chinese classes. If students were to study traditional characters and Zhu Yin phonetics in a Chinese school, this would cause a conflict with what they learn in San Francisco's high schools. For Chinese children born in the United States, this abrupt change is not as simple as most parents imagine! Similarly, finding an ideal Chinese school that teaches simplified characters and Han Yu Pin Yin in San Francisco is also not easy. |
Today parents no longer need to search endlessly. For parents who want their children to learn Han Yu Pin Yin, simplified characters, and the Chinese culture, Huada Chinese Academy is the best choice. Located at Lowell High School, the renowned public high school in San Francisco. Huada Chinese Academy has been servicing San Francisco students for over 15 years, and is the only private Chinese school in San Francisco Bay Area that employs fully digital administration including student information and grade report management, parent communication and WeChat-based communication. Huada has a professional faculty: experienced teachers from San Francisco Unified School District's public schools, specialized teachers and elementary teachers from mainland China, and renowned art teachers to help Huada provide a comprehensive and effective high-quality education. Now parents will only need to pay about thirty dollars a week to let their children receive this kind of superior education at Huada! Huada hosts classes at San Francisco's distinguished public High School , Lowell high school, allowing students to receive the best education in a safe and inspiring environment. Huada Chinese Academy's elementary graduation certificate and middle school graduation certificate meet the requirements of California's Seal of Biliteracy and Seal of Foreign language program. A high school graduate who receives the Seal of Biliteracy will be getting units of University of California's foreign language credit and might be able to waive the foreign language requirement. Over a hundred companies in California are currently accepting this seal as basis for salary and career advancement. Currently, Huada Chinese Academy is offering three tracks of Chinese language courses: a traditional Chinese school program from pre K to 8th grade; a special Chinese language program for students who have been in the Chinese immersion program or who are older than elementary school age; and an AP Chinese exam preparation program. |
Huada San Francisco Academy designs Chinese classes for students from preschool to high school. We teach with China's Ji Nan University's Chinese textbook series and the SFUSD's adopted Mei Zhou Chinese textbook series. On the extracurricular aspect, Huada also provides art class. All classes are staffed by professional and experienced teachers. As a Huada Chinese school graduate wrote on Singtao Daily, graduating from Huada is a symbol of privilege and status. If you enter Huada, you are already a winner in life. So, take actions and lock in our school's seat for your children! |