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Huada Chinese Academy Summer Enrollment information

2024暑期生活已经开始了, 祝同学们有一个愉快的暑期! 暑假期间, 我们仍继续办理2024-2025学年的招生手续。 欢迎家长们前来华大招生摊位为孩子们报名。 暑假期间, 我们仍继续办理2024-2025学年的招生手续。欢迎家长们前来华大招生摊位为孩子们报名。届时学校打算对跳级的学生进行知识的测试,欢迎家长打电话预约时间。 2024 年 9 月 8 日是我们新学年开学的第一天。请准时按照学校电邮和老师短信的通知上学。

Summer break of 2024 has already begun. We wish every student a nice vacation! During the summer break, we continue enrolling students for the 2024-2025 school year. Parents may come to Huada and start enrollment for your children. September 8, 2024 will be our first day for next school year. Please come to school on time and pay attention to the school email and your teacher’s text message about classroom assignment and start time for your class.

暑期招生时间 (summer enrollment dates):7/20, 7/27, 8/3, 8/10, 8/17, 8/24 and 8/31, (total 7 Saturdays).
  • 上午10: 00 am 至下午2: 00 pm (from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm)
  • 有意报名的家长, 请先替学生上网注册登记,以便我们进行联络。(New students: parents, please go to our website to register for your child so that we can contact you.)
  • 注册登记网址: www.huadachinese.com (Enrollment registration website)
  • 暑期招生地点:2309 Noriega Street, San Francisco, CA 94122-4239 (Our school’s summer enrollment office)
  • 查询电话 (Contact numbers): (415)602 9863   415-602-9832
  • Email :huadachinese@yahoo.com
祝 大家暑期生活愉快! Have a nice summer!

华大校方Huada Administration